
Friday, August 6, 2004

Is This Why The Sitcom Is Dead?

Richard Rushfield stumbles across a survey of "America's Funniest Cities," which ranks Los Angeles as 191st out of 212.

Survey was conducted by Hallmark's Shoebox Cards, which used the following criteria:

:: People who enjoy "consuming" humor by watching TV sitcoms and late night talk shows, reading comics in the paper, etc.

:: People who say they are funny or witty

:: And, sales of Shoebox greeting cards

"Which to us seems a perfectly reasonable standard," Richard quips.

According to the survey, the funniest city in the land is... that bastion of comedy, Mankato, Minn.

In second place, laff factory Helena, Mont., followed by funnyville Cheyenne, Wy. in third. No joke. Meanwhile, Rhode Island is named funniest state -- while California is No. 44.

Have you gone card shopping lately? Just about every "humor" card consists of a fart joke -- and Shoebox is one of the worst offenders. I mean, yeah, I've been known to send the occasional fart-themed Hallmark card to my dad for Father's Day... but I'm not going to admit it. Except I just did. Damn.

Expect Los Angeles' ranking to skyrocket once "According to Jim" is canceled.

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