
Monday, September 27, 2004

Who Wants to Name Our Baby? The Blogality Show Week Four

It was a tight contest this week, but the votes are in... and banished from our roster of names this week is...


Here are some comments from this week's votes:

Don't like Dylan. Too "90210"
I say no to JACK.
it's doesn't flow as well.
and EVAN. This name always makes me think of that guy from who wants to marry a millionaire! I picture his face on a baby.. LOL
I would say -- its a toss up between Tyler -- Tyler Schneider is a little too sing songy, and Anderson -- I still think that's a last name.
I like both of the following names, but I have a possible 'tease factor' point to make.

Ryan Michael Schneider and Tyler Michael Schneider both have the same sound to them.
Each name has a 'long I' sound in the first syllable: Ry My Schny and Ty My Schny.

I do admit that I am more sensitive to it as my cousin was teased for naming her baby Taylor Payson Whaley (Tay Pay Way).. Taylor Whaley isn't so bad until you throw the middle name in there for the triple "Long A" sound. I thought I'd pass on the comment in case it makes a difference to you.

My vote for least favorite name, however, goes to Anderson. Reminds me of 'The Mole' tv show (which I love), but wouldn't want my baby linked with the host/news reporter, Anderson Cooper. There are better last-names-turned-first-names out there.
I don't know you, and I didn't vote last week, so I feel a bit odd doing this. However, people you don't know making decisions that affect your life is the very nature of contest-based reality programming.

So, with that long introduction, I vote off Anderson.
No non-elimination vote for baby names this week. Please say goodbye to: Anderson Michael Schneider. Nobody wants to be referred to as Handy Andy unless their the carpenter on a BBC America home improvement show or, you know, just handy. But you really have to be handy, not just have people assume you are because it rhymes.
I really, really, really, hate the name Tyler. It brings back some bad flashbacks of waiting on Northshore types at (Evanston BBQ joint) Merle's. Along with the name Connor it just conjures up spoiled, precocious little crappers running all over the restaurant with their perfectly manicured mom's saying stuff like.
"Tyler, don't do that. Do you want a time out?" Good luck!

Now we're down to eight names. This week, vote off the one you think will cause the kid the most grief in elementary school. Grade school is evil enough without having a name that keeps you off the "cool" list.

Here are our eight finalists:

Alexander Michael Schneider
Austin Michael Schneider
Dylan Michael Schneider
Evan Michael Schneider
Jack Michael Schneider
Matthew Michael Schneider
Ryan Michael Schneider
Tyler Michael Schneider

Also, in a twist this week, when you vote off a name, give us another. Hate Jack? Give us a new choice. Remember, the fate of our child's happiness is in your hands. No pressure.

As always, vote off your least favorite -- and tell us what name isn't on the list, but should be -- at Results next Monday!

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