
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Palm Someday

West Hollywood's Palm Restaurant is moving next door. But the walls -- filled with caricatures of Hollywood power players, past and present -- are moving with it, the L.A. Times reports:

"It's like a club," said Bernie Brillstein, a veteran Hollywood talent manager. The day his caricature showed up on the wall, "it was sort of recognition that you had made some kind of imprint in your life."

Here, the mighty intermingle with the fallen, "it" girls nudge up against has-beens. Leslie Moonves, chief executive of CBS Corp., snuggles with Shirley MacLaine and the late John Belushi. DreamWorks SKG's David Geffen and William Morris Agency head Jim Wiatt are across from Andrew Dice Clay and the late Eva Gabor.

If you were famous once, you're still famous at the Palm. Which is why a lot of people around town will be relieved to hear that when the Palm moves to a new location, just 75 feet west of its current address, its owners will take the walls — the closest thing Hollywood has to a fossil record — with them.

"We are going to spend a lot of money," said co-owner Wally Ganzi, who estimates that the restaurant, which is relocating to have more space, has 2,300 caricatures. "It will be like a giant jigsaw puzzle. A tremendous amount will go into preserving the original artwork."

OJ Simpson's image was finally taken down after a woman patron kept stabbing it with a dinner knife, the story reports. The Palm has been in the same spot since opening here in 1975; the new location (just 75 feet away) is scheduled to open in 2008. Until then, new caricatures will have to wait (sorry, Matt Damon).

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