
Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wednesday's Dog

Chris from Big Action! is hoping to find a home for a stray dog he found over the weekend, and asked if we could spread the word. If you know of a good home, read on:

Jean and I found a stray dog this weekend: painfully skinny, covered in fleas, scared, and exhausted. We took her to the vet, got her cleaned up, and she's waiting for adoption at the West LA Animal Shelter.

The shelter workers and the vet have her listed as a Bernese Mountain Dog mix, though she's probably got a lot of hound in her. (She does not, despite that massive noggin, have any pit or terrier, according to the shelter; her body is too small and her shoulders and chest are too narrow.)

She's unbelievably sweet, eager to please and attaches to people very easily. She has no lingering health problems (aside from the near-starvation) and we already paid for her vaccinations. The thing is, we already have a dog, and we're not ready for any more additions to the household. (Sadie is pretty insistent on remaining an only child.)

The shelter will hold her for her owners until April 14, but the chance they'll show is somewhere between slim and none. After that, she's available to any good home.

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