
Friday, June 16, 2006

Inspiring Guilt in the Blogosphere

My recent post on L.A. blog road kill (I noticed that most Blogger sites utilizing L.A. place names had been abandoned or never used) had one unexpected effect:

I managed to guilt the blogger behind to activate her site!

Blogger Elissa (under the title "Cuz Eastside") says some nice things about us, and takes a stab at finally getting into the blogosphere:

The other day I was having my daily looksie at one of my favorite blogs,, and clicked on the link for To my horror, I realized I was a blogkill perpetrator.

Sometime last year, I got this wild hair that I'd share some of my favorite/not-so-favorite things via a blog named after my sweet neighborhood, Los Feliz.

I guess I'm a spaz, cuz I totally forget about it after like a month of creating and procrastinating it. I assumed that Blogspot would just set the name free after a few unused months. Obviously not.

I'm sorry to have hogged this name for so long. From here on out, I will to try to honor the blogger spirit.

Welcome aboard, Elissa!

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