:: Just days after fooling the U.K. tab The Sun (which printed one of its satirical stories as fact), another foreign news source has fallen for a Dateline Hollywood piece.
The Finnish newspaper Iltalehti somehow believed -- and picked up the Dateline Hollywood goof that Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern planned to star in a remake of NBC's 1980s sitcom "My Two Dads."
Here's Dateline Hollywood: The show, which will air on NBC this fall, will feature Birkhead and Stern attempting to raise a daughter in the modern world while they work through their own differences and numerous pending lawsuits while living together.
And here's Iltalehti: Ihan tavallisesta kämppäkaveruudesta ei kuitenkaan ole kyse - miehet aikovat kasvattaa Dannielynnin yhdessä tv-kameroiden seuratessa heidän elämäänsä. NBC-televisiokanava kaavailee näyttävänsä syksyllä My Two Dads -nimisen sarjan, jonka päätähtinä miehet seikkailevat.
:: Fishbowl L.A. does the math and notes that the Virginia Tech tragedy has (temporarily, for sure) quieted down the gossip websites. TMZ is down 33% in posts this week, Mayrav notes.
:: Sorry to disappoint, but turns out there isn't really a man trying to buy babies from nannies in Encino. The nanny who first reported it to police made it all up, the L.A. Times says. In other news, that Nigerian prince who e-mailed you yesterday to share his millions in stashed-away cash doesn't really exist either. Sorry.
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