
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Habits of Mine That I Fear Will Lead to Health Problems Later On

An ever-growing list.

1. Using a plastic straw to drink coffee. I know, it's kinda weird. But I started doing this when I had braces, since I was told not to get any hot beverage on them (and risk loosening the glue that held them in place). I continued doing this even after the braces came off because of habit and to avoid staining my teeth. A Starbucks employee recently warned me that the straw might melt. Mmm, have I been drinking plastic-y coffee all these years?

2. Drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day. Or maybe even more. This can't be good, right? Although I've never seen any definitive study telling me not to... sometimes I wonder if that occasional pain in my chest is from all that java.

3. Using the cell phone without a hands-free device. Most of the time I do -- but sometimes I won't have it with me, and will still conduct long (I'm talking as long as 30 minutes) conversations with the Blackberry or phone pressed against my ear. That can't be good. Nor can...

4. Sitting in front of the computer all day long. This is one we all do... but how will it affect us long term? Sitting just inches away from a buzzing monitor for 9 hours a day, five days a week -- not to mention all that time in front of the home computer -- must be doing something, right?

5. My temporary lack of exercise. Haven't been to the gym since Evan was born... 29 months ago. I try to make up for it by walking with Evan... but it's no substitute for a real workout. But who has the time?

I'm sure there are more, but this is a start. Now it's your turn: What are some of your bad habits -- the ones you suspect are bad, but since you have no proof, you go right ahead and keep doing them?

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