Los Angeles is my town, but I gotta admit: New York can offer up some magical moments that just never happen back home.
Walking the streets of New York on Thursday, it happened to me not once, but twice: I randomly ran into two friends (both of whom, by the way, I have in my "friends + family" links in the bar to the right). Both of them spotted me first, and neither of them actually live in New York. What are the odds?
First up: Thursday morning, racing to Madison Square Garden to see the CW's upfront presentation, I walk past a guy with a shaved head. I don't really notice him, because I'm late to the CW -- and my mind is elsewhere. Suddenly, I hear my name being called.
"Mike?! It's Levi!"
My old Northwestern U. dormmate Levi -- I'd forgotten that he'd shaved his head, and didn't recognize him at first -- lives in Chicago and works for the University of Chicago Press, but was in Manhattan for business. How random that we bumped into each other on a random street in New York! We hadn't seen each other since two of our other dormmates got married a few years ago, but Levi and I have occasionally traded emails -- he even sent us a book a few months ago. But we obviously had no idea we were both in the city. Also interesting: We'd both met up with other -- but separate -- former dormmates while in town.
Then, Thursday night, while walking back to my hotel from the East Village at 1 a.m. -- yup, 1 a.m., I'm strolling down Park Avenue when I look up and see my pal Emmie from L.A. I knew Emmie would be in town for a greeting card trade show (check out her cool site here and buy some stuff, yo!) -- but I didn't get a chance to call her about meeting up, since we were both too busy. But fate intervened -- and we still bumped into each other, a thousand miles away from home -- on a virtually deserted street in the middle of the night.
Only in New York, kids, only in New York.
(Flickr pic by Helico.)
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