
Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pedophile TV

The media and his detractors seem to be playing right into the hands of self-proclaimed pedophile Jack McClellan, who has not only stirred up communities including Santa Clarita and Santa Monica, but now has even shot an episode of the upcoming new talk show "The Steve Wilkos Show."

McClellan flew to Chicago last week to appear on the show, hosted by the famous, bald "Jerry Springer" bouncer. You may recall footage of McClellan being served a restraining order right before flying out to Chicago -- and now you know why he left town.

There definitely wasn't a more bizarre story in the local news last week. McClellan appears to be a super-distrurbed, creepy individual who managed to get the Santa Clarita Valley and other spots up in arms because of his, well, pretty bizarre ways.

McClellan says he has a thing for kids. But hasn't actually acted on those thoughts. Is he a pedophile, or someone looking for a lot of attention (and getting it)? No one seems to know for sure, but the fact that he seems to wind up in places where there are a lot of kids -- and until recently posted pics of those kids on a website -- it was reason enough for a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge to issue a temporary restraining order against McClellan on Friday.

The order -- which Constitutional scholars said wouldn't hold up in court -- barred McClellan from coming within 10 yards of any child in California. The L.A. Times writes:

Judge Melvin Sandvig's order specifically prohibits McClellan from following, stalking, hitting or loitering around any minor. He also cannot contact or photograph a child or post on the Internet pictures or video of a minor without parental consent.

"They have an understandable worry this guy is going to do something bad," said (Prof. Eugene) Volokh. "But that's not enough. You need at least probable cause to believe some crime has been committed."

Zinnanti responded, "This is a civil harassment restraining order; it's not a criminal behavior matter. There is a compelling case that this guy is involved in annoying, stalking, loitering."

Being a pedophile — an adult having sexual thoughts about children — is not a crime. It is illegal to touch a child for sexual gratification.

The Daily News actually talked to McClellan, who told the paper he's running out of places to move:

"I've been getting recognized everywhere now ... This guy on the bus threatened to mess me up," he said. "This car has been completely identified, especially with the Washington plates."

McClellan also tells the Daily News that he lives in his car and collects about $950 a month in Social Security income for mental disabilities.

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