Oinkster burger; Flickr pic by Jeremy Okai.
1. Where's your favorite place to get a burger in L.A.? For me, the burger at Oinkster is pretty top-notch and what I usually get when we go. My friend Andrea likes to get one at The York. This is not necessarily a best-burger-in-L.A. question but where do you like go for a burger in Los Angeles?
2. Woot.com - Has anyone ordered anything from this site? They offer daily electronic deals on $5 shipping, and the savings are good, really good. The descriptions are a hoot and the customer reviews guide you as you consider a product. I also like the wine and t-shirt deals; I'm most likely to buy a shirt first ($10, free shipping!) if I ever get to one before it's sold out.
3. I have to post about Top Chef since last night was the season finale: Casey faltered, Dale shined but was spotty and Hung came through perfectly. Last night's highlight was the sous chef surprise: Rocco DiSpirito (who assisted Hung), Michelle Bernstein (Casey), and Todd English (Dale)-- the pairings were exciting to watch. The lowlight was seeing losing contestant Brian at the dining table -- I took offense to the fact that he was suddenly on the other side of the table critiquing the dishes. Just a few days ago, he was a contestant, and it seems unfair that he was given a voice at the judges' table. It would've been fine if he was there to observe as a prize perhaps for making it that far on the competition. But shush-it! I did not want to hear what he had to say about the food.
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