(Brobee and Foofa t-shirts, as made and photographed by Flickr user coronita.)
1. Brobee Love: Demands have been made around here over when someone was going to get his "Yo Gabba Gabba" shirt. I finally found time to go on the show's site, downloaded Brobee's image and ironed-it on a shirt. As easy as that, no more whining. Now I have to make one for Evan.
2. Trick-or-Treat: Tomorrow (the 26th), Atwater Village is hosting its fourth annual Halloween festival between 4 and 5:30 p.m. Kids can dress up in their costumes and visit the local businesses on the 3100 block of Glendale Blvd. The AV library also has a Halloween party that starts earlier and includes storytelling and snacks. It's a nice little "small-town" style gathering, and will give us a chance to check out all the new stores on the block -- including Amelia Fitzwater, The Little Knittery, and Under The Table (the Black Maria Gallery store).
3. What To See: Say it's your wedding anniversary and part of the plan is to catch a movie. Which would you choose:
a. Lars And The Real Girl
b. The Darjeeling Limited
c. Other: name your suggestion
d. Don't bother, you'll fall asleep anyway
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