
Sunday, February 22, 2004

His Name is John

After all these years, Mr. Big's name was finally revealed in the last seconds of Sex And The City. Although Mike would rather change the program's title to "Sad In The City" (given the finale's very melodramatic tone).

The final two episodes brought tears to my eyes as the "girls" faced new challenges. But, I'm glad it ended the way it did. They shot three different endings but I'm happy with the one they chose.

Most people would probably prefer a more ambiguous end between Carrie and Big but not me. I'm glad they ended up together.

Either that or I'd prefer Big to die. That was a theory my friends and I speculated on when a funeral was rumored to be in the final episodes.

Instead, as the show wrapped up, Big and Carrie resumed their relationship, Charlotte and Harry are adopting a little girl, and Miranda finally proved she had a heart. And of course, what is an episode of "Sex" without a topless shot of Samantha having mind-blowing sex with Smith?

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